Saturday, 3 October 2015

Airports Authority of India invites applications from eligible candidates to apply online (total vacancy 598*)

 Airports Authority of India
       applications from eligible candidates to apply online 
for the posts of Junior Executives                  
 (Air Traffic Control) and Junior Executive 
(Electronics) to be filled
     as per details given below:
in their own interest
are advised, not to wait till the last date & time and register
their application well in advance. AAI shall not be held responsible, if the candidate
is not able to submit his/her application due to last minute rush.

The candidate should possess the following qualifications for on
line registration of application:
Executive (ATC):
Regular full time Bachelor’s Degree (3 years) in Science (B.Sc.) with Physics and Mathematics from a
recognized university with minimum 60% marks or full time regular Bachelor’s degree in
Engineering/Technology (B.E./B.Tech) in the disciplines of Electronics/Telecommunications/ Information Technology with minimum 60% marks. The candidate shall have minimum proficiency in both spoken and written English of the level of 10+2
standard. He/she shall also attain the ICAO language minimum pro
ficiency level 4 (operational) for the purpose of issue of license or rating. Any candidate who is not able to attain
ICAO proficiency level 4 or above during the training, his /her services are liable to be terminated.
Junior Executive (Electronics): Full time regular Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology
(B.E./B.Tech) in the disciplines of Electronics / Telecommunication / Electrical with specialization in Electronics with minimum 60% marks from a recognized / deemed university or from an apex Institution i.e. IIT /recognized by Government of India and having qualifying GATE marks on GATE Score card
for the year 2014 or 2015.
The departmental candidates possessing recognized degrees obtained through part
- time/ correspondence/distance education mode are also eligible to appear in the online examination. However for the post of Junior Executive (Electronics), only departmental candidates who have qualifying GATE marks on GATE Score card for the year 2014 or 2015 can apply.
(c)Not more than 32 years for SC/ST Candidate
.(d)For Ex-servicemen, age relaxation is applicable as prescribed by Govt. of India orders issued from time-to-time.(e)Relaxation by 05 (Five) Years for the candidate who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of
Jammu & Kashmir during the period 01.01.80 to 31.12.1989
and candidate has to provide the certificate for the same issued byDistrict Magistrate/Block Development Officer/Sub DivisionalOfficer at the time of interview
Upper age limits are relaxable by ten years for candidates who are in regular service of AAI. (g) The Date of Birth as recorded i
n the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate will only be accepted. No subsequent request s for change in date of birth will be entertained.
(h) Candidature may be cancelled at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment/joining, in
case any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement and his/her claim towards SC/ST/OBC

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